How To Recover Data When Your Phone Is Softbricked
When you flashed (installed) something that does not work with your device. This is typically a ROM or Kernel, or a combination of both.
And your device is not booting anymore and gets stuck at boot logo or may be either gone into the bootloop it means your phone is soft bricked.
But if your device isnt showing up anything but pressing power button or any other button combination then your device is hard bricked.We can't recover any data
from hard bricked phone as it’s a hardware failure.
If your device is softbricked then proceed through this guide.
In this cases you can't connect your phone to your computer and get your data because, your device dont have Os so it is not going to be recognised by your computer.
In this cases you should follow the steps given below to safely recover your data from your device
Your device dont have os but it has other two things called Fastboot Protocol and Android Debugging Bridge(ADB).
Now make sure you have downloaded and install the device drivers provided by your phones manufacturer's website.
And Java should be installed in your computer
Guide to install java:
Download this zip file and extract in a folder and place it anywhere in C drive.
Now go inside the folder which you extracted and placed in C drive, and press 'Shift key' and right click and
select option "Open command window here" from context menu.
Now boot your phone in fastboot mode.Every different manufacturer's device has its own way to boot in fastboot.
So Google it and find out how to boot your device in fastboot mode.
When you boot successfully in fastboot mode.
Now see if your device recognised by adb.For that type in the command
adb devices
If it shows your device serial number then you are good to go.
If not Jump to step 1.
Now boot into recovery mode.For that type in the command
adb reboot recovery
1. If your device is not recognised then type in command.
fastboot devices
If your device is recognised then flash custom recovery via fastboot, CWM or TWRP.
Guide to flash recovery via fastboot:
When you flash recovery then boot into recovery mode using right button combination for your device.
When you successfully boot into recovery.
Select Mounts & Storage > Yes
In Mounts and Storage menu you will find some more options, from the list select "Mount USB Storage" or the option depending upon your choice.
Now connect your phone to your PC using the data cable.
Select “Mount > USB Storage”.
Connect your phone to your PC and it will open up the USB / Internal Storage.
Copy your desired files.
That’s all! You can easily recovery all of your data stored on the internal storage of your Android device.
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